Tips: Size Suggestions for Office Pieces
Work Art Pieces are geared toward improving the office setting but can
also be use outside of the work setting. Whether you are giving one to
a friend, decorating your room, or wish to add color, Work Art Pieces
are perfect for any office or home environment.
how the pieces below add vibrant color and life to an otherwise sterile
work space.
Click on thumbnail for fuller, larger view.
for a cubicle or desk with limited space, lacking color and creativity.
A 5"x7" Work Art Piece will add just enough color and
invidividuality to brighten up the surrounding environment.
Recommended for an office space that is medium
in size. If you have a
cubicle that is already crowded, it could go against one of the
walls and not directly on the desk.
9"X12", bigger
Recommended for an office space that is medium
to large in size. 9"X12" pieces take up a little more space
on the desk, but could be placed against the wall to save space. The
larger pieces could be hung in a office as a decoration piece. |